Profile PictureHey Teacher Brumfield

THE GREAT DEBATE: Preparation Handout + Rubric

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Title: Debate Preparation Guide for Students


Debating is a valuable skill that enhances critical thinking, communication, and persuasion abilities. This preparation guide is designed to help students plan effective arguments, gather supporting evidence, and strengthen their overall debating skills. The resource includes a three-page handout, a customizable Canva template, five debate topics, and a student-friendly scoring rubric.

Resource Contents:

1. Three-Page Handout:

- Page 1: Introduction to Debating

- Definition of debating

- Importance of effective preparation

- Page 2: Steps to Prepare for a Debate

- Understanding the topic

- Identifying key arguments for both sides

- Gathering relevant evidence

- Structuring arguments

- Rehearsing and refining points

- Page 3: Tips for Effective Communication

- Body language and eye contact

- Speaking clearly and confidently

- Responding to counterarguments

2. Canva Template Link:

- A link to a customizable Canva template for teachers who want to modify the prompts based on their specific needs.

- Editable sections for topic introduction, key arguments, evidence, and rebuttals.

3. Debate Topics:

- Five carefully chosen debate topics to engage students in critical thinking and research.

1. Should standardized testing be eliminated in schools?

2. Is social media more harmful than beneficial for society?

3. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

4. Is space exploration a worthwhile investment?

5. Should schools enforce a mandatory uniform policy?

4. Scoring Rubric:

- A student-friendly scoring rubric with criteria descriptions.

- Clear articulation of arguments

- Effective use of evidence

- Logical structure of points

- Relevance and depth of counterarguments

- Overall presentation and communication skills

How to Use the Resource:

1. Distribution:

- Download and distribute the three-page handout to students.

- Share the Canva template link for customization.

2. Preparation:

- Assign debate topics to students or let them choose based on interest.

- Encourage students to research and prepare arguments for both sides of the chosen topic using the provided handout.

3. Practice Debates:

- Conduct practice debates in the classroom, allowing students to refine their arguments and presentation skills.

4. Assessment:

- Use the scoring rubric to assess student performances in debates.

- Provide constructive feedback to help students improve.


This comprehensive debate preparation guide equips students with the tools they need to excel in debates, fostering critical thinking and effective communication skills. Use this resource to empower students in confidently presenting and defending their perspectives on a variety of engaging topics.

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Use this preparation guide to help your students plan better arguments, evidence, and reasoning, for each of the possible debate topics included. This resource is download to distribute ready, making set-up and facilitation a dream. This resource includes: Three-Page Handout for students to prepare arguments and evidence for both sides of a topic Canva Template Link (for when you want to change the prompts) 5 Debate topics to prepare 1 Scoring Rubric with criteria descriptions written in a student-friendly format

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THE GREAT DEBATE: Preparation Handout + Rubric

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